Apr 13, 2005 22:23
god, i'm so pissed, some people can be really nice. LIke not even trying, like Eric Cecil and darius and even Ian. then other people are just fucking assholes. And the worse part is, they don't even know
my ass really hurts, my knee even worse
god track is pissing me off,just liek everyone, or almost everyone, i can't stand it. i jsut don't want to go so many days. this stupid team thing is retarded, we're fucking losing and everyone is making a big deal out of it. its not my fault that my team sucks, so why can't i jsut suck too.... probly cuz i'll get bitched at and i'll have no excuse for nething, atleast i win sometimes, but does ne1 notice? no. and if they do, they just use it against me. OMG i can't stand it, i have a meet tommorow... maybe i'll fuck up on purpose, just to see if it makes a difference, because we all know that winning 4 events doesn'tdo nething... oh-well
prom is gonna suck, don't know who i'm taking yet, too confusing, everything is so complicated, might not go, well i am gonna go, but maybe really late, because of states... states is on the same day too which sucks
ok getting real upset, gonna talk to curtis, he makes mehappy
pissed at josh too, he'd rather roll a blunt then talk to me. that makes me feel so special. after not talking for the longest time he can't take what, 5 min out of his time. oh-well i blocked him
roswell hit my ass really hard, with a ball. it sucked, coudlnt' feel it for about 10 min, and now, about 4 hours later, its red. damn it hurt
david ignored me
erik didn't talk much
angie was preoccupied
dell was an asshole like always
everyone else was kinda nonchalant, i was def. glad that some people were there, not sure ifit was worth my night though,
track meet tommorow, running two fours, not excited.