Oct 15, 2009 17:28
Hello everyone.
I'm sorry that it's been sometime since either I've updated my journal or have commented on any of yours. As my last entry indicated, the internet fairy has stopped delivering free untethered internet service to my house, so I'm going to have to strap down and start paying comcast pretty soon. For now, Borders on West End is my new home.
Not too much has changed lately, except the weather. It's become the traditional Nashville fall/pseudowinter that we all know and "love," if by love I mean are totally irritated and mildly annoyed in a mosquito-bite way about. It's perma-cloudy in a way that rain seems imminent all day long everyday, and this combined with 50 degrees is a terrible prospect for someone who's stuck with riding a bike everywhere. I have become somewhat lazy on top of this (what am I talking about, "have become?!" more like "my laziness has been amplified....), so getting out of the house has strangely become something of a chore. I think it's just the nervous anticipation of not being well-prepared for rain.
I've continued to be moderately indifferent to career/continued schooling plans, but my job and the small amount of money it affords me have me rethinking some things. I've begun to (only somewhat seriously) consider getting a master's in education. For the past 8ish years, I've always thought it might be cool to be a high school teacher. But I'm terribly indecisive and also highly prone to internalizing the perspectives of others on the topic of future ambitions. These perspectives have largely been negative, in a "you could do more/make way more money" doing other things. Now I've come to decide that I kind of don't care about these opinions anyways, and need to begin learning to ignore negative feedback because it has so far prevented me from doing anything productive along the lines of having a plan for the next few years. On top of deciding to go with my gut, I recently received an email from a teach-english-in-asia company, offering me an interview for a year-long gig in Korea starting this coming February. I think this would be great practice if I am going to go forward with the being a teacher plan.
I need to learn to not doubt everything and go with my instincts.
This is all for now. Hopefully it won't be long until the next time!