Title: Sound Focus
Author/Artist: Pixie
Theme: Hearing
Rating: G
Author's Note: Sneaking another under the wire. And again very much unbetaed, so blame my tired l'il brain for any mistakes. Read the first stage, Sight:
Sight Unseen ~*~
"Well what if we come in from over here," Alex suggested, pointing with her free hand at the saltshaker that was meant to represent a doorway around the side of the building.
"No, no, we can't come in from that angle. They'll surely see us coming since it's wide open around there," Gene griped. He downed the last of his wine and raised the glass in Luigi's direction. "Oi, Luigi! More of this crap!"
The DI sighed, putting her own glass down and closing her eyes. She rubbed at her temples, hoping for some relief. Her brain was throbbing not only from the amount of wine she'd drunk in the last couple of hours, but also their argumentative planning session. Not that it was unusual that they were arguing, it was par for the course, but tonight she was in no mood.
She had been in a fairly decent mood after the meeting with the informant, despite Gene's none-too-subtle come-ons. But now her mood had swung to frustrated. Every point they discussed devolved into a prolonged debate and they seemed to be getting nowhere, fast.
"You okay?"
Alex jumped at the sound of Gene's voice in her ear. She hadn't heard him move closer over the cacophony of the others who were busy having their own exuberant discussions a few tables away.
She opened her eyes and was greeted by his concerned eyes inches away. She found herself focusing in on those eyes, entranced by them. All sound apart from them dimmed in her hearing. His breathing; the licking of her lips; the rustle of his clothing; the faster beating of her heart.
"You okay?" he asked again. His words shook her out of her focus, and she felt her cheeks flush in embarrassment.
"Yeah," she replied, clearing her throat. "I'm fine. I think I'm just tired."
Gene looked away from her as Luigi approached, nodding at the other man when he left another bottle of wine. "We can continue this tomorrow," he said once Luigi was gone. He glanced back at her. "We should probably hit the sack. Get some sleep." The last bit he added on a little quickly, which amused her.
"Sure. Bed sounds like a good plan," she responded. She felt some surprise at the slightly flirtatious tone her words took. What could she possibly blame it on - wine or need of sleep - and how was Gene going to react?
End of second stage