Title: Better Than Chocolate
Author: Beki a.k.a. Pixie on LJ (from pixiesandswords)
Email: rockbeki@ufl.edu
Rating: PG
Spoilers: None
Category: VRH
Keywords: ShWeir
Summary: An ice cream binge.
Notes: for napalm_isis on Live Journal, who made a beautiful icon for Rotem and me!
Disclaimer: The characters aren’t mine; I just enjoy playing with them. I’ll return them unharmed.
Elizabeth Weir was the commander of Atlantis, but she was still a chick and sometimes a chick just needed chocolate. She got up from the uncomfortable desk chair that she had been sitting in for the last half hour and headed towards the cafeteria, hoping that someone had had the insight to pack a pint of Phish Food among the other supplies. She headed towards the freezers and started her quest in search of chocolate.
“Frozen peas? Good with mashed potatoes and on the occasional black eye...” she mumbled to herself. “Orange juice from concentrate? Ick…I think even the Wraith would want to avoid that…Yes! Phish Food!”
Elizabeth took her prize and started walking back, somewhat quickly, to her room, praying that she wouldn’t meet anyone on the way. As luck would have it though, there was John Sheppard in the hallway, looking at her with an amused expression on his face.
“John. Uh - hi…,” she said, embarrassed to have someone she liked and respected see her about to embark on an ice cream binge.
“Care to share?” he asked, navigating quickly the waters of their as of yet undefined relationship.
They headed towards her room and sat down on the bed. Elizabeth took out the spoon she had taken from the cafeteria and took a bite, closing her eyes.
“Mmm. Chocolate is definitely man’s best invention. Better than…” she said and then stopped and blushed when she realized what she had almost said.
“Better than what?” teased John, knowing full well what she meant.
“Shut up and eat your ice cream,” she replied, feeding him a spoonful with a smile.
The End.