Fallen off the planet

May 04, 2008 04:00

So, I haven't really been keeping up with anything - LJ, FF.net, what have you. I do read (sometimes skim) my email which is how I noticed 'oh yeah, this thing, that was fun!'

What have I been up to? Work, school, the usual stuff. I successfully petitioned to overload so that's part of the problem. Work has been making sure I don't waste any time on sleep. Volunteer activity is ramping up. Summer is up in the air. Part of me wants to take more classes so that the semester is free for the cool classes, but right now I think the tired part of me is winning out... doing Winter term and having Spring Break not overlap between schools has made this term feel like it's dragged on. Of course, there might be some internship opportunity I should take too.

...though I really kind of just want to get into my video game backlog, work on my fanfics, and do some home improvements. I have to remember that it's miserable out during the Summer too... do I want to be dragging myself through that?

I got really close to the end of Revenant Wings before life put an end to my fun stuff. Part of the problem is that I want 100% completion and everyone's specials but I hear if you do that, the final enemies are level 99. I think the game is a bit too boring to grind out levels to that point, even if it was only something I was doing on the train. I'm looking forward to A2 when that comes out, it will be interesting to see how they use Penelo sans Vaan and maybe give us a better peek into Rozarria via Al-Cid. (They're probably just cameos though... but still, I have hopes.)

I saw the pictures for the GI Joe movie. One of the shots managed to make Sienna Miller look less than perfect... I think it's that low rise wide belt. Though she tends to look a little much like Scarlett. I'm not into the crazy molding of Snake Eyes outfit but it's better than I thought it would be. Storm Shadow doesn't look bad. Everyone else looks like standard FPS fare. I'm waiting to see CC and Destro.

Bad news:
I have this friend and I can't tell if she's being passive aggressive towards me right now. I email her to set stuff up, often time sensitive stuff, and I never hear back. Then she goes and does something weird that could have been done a lot easier if she just asked me. I don't think she's backing off just because I'm busy, because she's often saying how much busier she is (though her blog has a lot of fluff in it...) or backhandedly putting down my work. She really is generally a nice person and fun to be with, so I don't want our friendship to go down the tube... however, right now I just really don't have the time or emotional strength to try to start talking it over - whether she tells me I'm just worrying too much or says there is a problem, I really don't have time to deal with it right now. It's really a shame.

Good news:
So far, I really like what I'm doing. I'm really excited about the courses that are offered in my fields of interest. (Sadly these are not what's offered in the Summer... upper division GE requirements are what's offered and they're always so depressing because everyone has to take them and that just seems to make the class and the prof equally annoyed.) Yeah, it might be a lot of work and mean less pop culture for me, but I really do enjoy it. In fact, I generally prefer to go to school rather than deal with some of the drama that I get from some of my circles. Once I'm there I can just focus on there for the most part unless something someone's doing is really eating me.
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