Turns out this is a failed attempt

Jun 15, 2011 15:18

 So I had issued myself a 30 day writing challenge, and it just has failed to be. I can't seem to write two days in a row.  But thats ok. I think I will continue to record my life for the next 30 manageable entries. We'll start there.

Today is June 15th. I woke up with quite the surprise. A disconnect notice. Fun. Not really. And so the rest of my day was riddled with gathering information, making notes, counting every last penny, and checking the calendar, and ultimately fixing my over sight and HOPEFULLY preventing any more. I can't honestly sit here and say that it was a complete oversight, it was known to me that I was behind on more than one bill in this house, but I did not realize that it had progressed to that point. I will however say that it was the fire under my ars that I needed to get my stuff together. That's what us procrastinators get- bit in the butt. I just like to bite back and thats just what I'm going to do. Not only am I trying to write more but I am flipping my life all kinds of ways. I quit one job because it was costing me more than I made. I am trying to work harder at both of my other jobs to make them more fruitful albeit part time and seasonal. I am becoming more of the house mommy that I am accustomed to being, and trying to reclaim my own little world and way of keeping up with things like bills, play dates, and after school activities. I just can't decided if I am going back to hiding in my comfort zone or if I should see it as finding my niche. Whichever it is, this is what I'm up to and what has me all stressed and frazzled. But it also has been the best week I've had in awhile because I feel that among the stress and overwhelmed feelings I can't help but smile and know that this is my path, this is where I'm supposed to be headed. I can deal with stress as long as I know I'm doing some good.

It's time to go do more good in the world. And with a genuine smile.
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