I begin a 30 day quest.

Jun 10, 2011 01:14

 I often complain to myself that I don't write enough. Especially when I need to. It's such a cathartic thing for me. Just to write something. Put a thought, any thought, into visible words for myself. When I last revived my LJ I wrote about once a week and it was nice. I fell out of practice as per my usual pattern of on again off again in my hobbies and interests. I know that I will probably never truly break this pattern as life is just too unpredictable and things come and go throughout life. But I do want to challenge myself to something at this time. I don't really know why now, or what for. I simply sat at my computer and felt as if it was time to journal again. Maybe to challenge my writing skills because of recent self judgement that I am lacking what little verbal and linguistic skills I once had. Maybe to self reflect and center myself again because I have felt for far too long that my life is shattered a bit and I am doing a piss poor job so far of tacking it back together. Maybe I feel the need for some structure in my day, despite my overwhelming daily routines I have as it is. Regardless of WHY- I think that it's just important to myself that I do this. And what I am going to do is journal every day for 30 days. This is going to be day 1. Even though it is just a little past 1 a.m., it is technically speaking early morning. So June 10th it is. My first journal entry in my first 30 day writing challenge. Go me. Now to decide whether or not to link my LJ to my FB. Ah.... complexities of the modern age.
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