Jan 15, 2004 13:13
today was cool and today i officaly declaired myself single....i am not going out with franco because i have not seen him in a week and nor will i ... and plus there is to much ull shit going on with his friends and they are all telling me lie or is it the truth... i don't even know anymore because i can' talk to franco and ask him if they are the truth or if they are lies sooo what ever tonight i have drill but befor i go to drill i am going to go to Brittany's and hang out till i have to go home sooo yea... anyways... i am sooo tired... sooo yea well anyways... ummm yea... right now i am in 5th hour and this is the last time i will see this dumb ass teacher i hate her... but what ever... no need to dwell over it i won't see her again hopefully... lol.... well anyways.... today at lunch was fun sooo i got money from seth to get m&m and then i went to sara to get some then there was this kid that was from band sooo i said that i would by from him and then sara said no sooo i made them tap dance and sing and i will pick the winner sooo they did and there was like this crowd around and it was funny.... but the guy won.....lol.... soo yea anyways and i had my M&M's and then Matt called Bryan's call and told him i liked and him and then somehow matt got me to say "I Do" i really wasn't paying attentiong and then the next thing i know he was saying see she likes u and i freaked out... i have liked Bryan since the beggining of the year... but what ever... lol.... ummmm saturday is pis again and Bryan is going and maybe mike he always there and he is funny.... the other night when he was there and i was there tooo i was chassing him and he was on his skate board and i was running after him and then he got to fast and i got tooo tired... lol.... so he got away and then we were tlaking on the coutch and he said things that i am not going to repeat... lol... but it was funny... he is soooo cute... i swear...lol.... i was telling him how i liked him sincelike last year and he's like no u didn't and shit it was funny well i have to go talk to u later.... my teachter is an ass....
I can't wait till SATURDAY!