Jan 05, 2006 20:32
let's see..
well i got my senior project finished and turned in. whether or not it's very good, who knows?
but at least i got it done.
i'm very glad that tomorrow is friday, this week, although it's only a 4 day week, has felt very long.
i sort of started talking to my sister again. things seem okay between us but i sense an attitude and don't know why, but then again..these things are always very difficult to judge through the internet.
so far every morning on the way to school and every other chance i get i've been listening to shakira. at first it began as a joke. but i can't deny it or help myself.
i like shakira.
a lot.
hell, i love her.
"We took a leap in the dark
And I can see now
How shadows have turned to light"
see? she's brilliant.
my room is still clean. good job.
in the last 4 days i have seen four dead animals, now "road kill". whenever i drive by one i try to figure out what it used to be.
one time in 6th grade we took one of those "camping trips" that all of the underclassmen look forward to as the big trip thing..though it's never really camping, they put you and the rest of the class in these "cabins" which are really just one room with many bunk beds and a bathroom with showers. anyway, we went on a very long hike once, it was at marin headlands in san fran, and there was a dead squirrel on the ground with it's belly torn open and all sorts of intestines hanging about. the hike guide told us it was probably some sort of hawk or something that had did it. ants were feeding on it. needless to say, i took a picture with my disposable camera.
i remember we all thought the hike instructor guy was really cute and everyone was very jealous when i got a blister from my new hiking boots and he put a band aid on for me and wrapped my foot up.
granny told me that i am her best friend. it makes me feel good but also guilty because i don't see her as much as i'm sure she would like.
time to go study..