I'm sure I have your email address somewhere (our lack of staying in touch is depressing in and of itself), but I'm hoping you will see my post instead. I'm not sure if you guys heard, but Mrs. Thompson of "Full Circle" and "Another day, another four A's!" fame died from a heart attack on Monday. I'm kind of in shock. Link to the article my mom sent me:
http://www.mlive.com/news/annarbornews/index.ssf?/base/news-24/1192027775257450.xml&coll=2 For those of you who didn't go to school in A2 (or "Ace Deuce" as Vidya has been calling it as of late) I'll fill you in briefly. Mrs. Thompson was our faculty advisor for "Full Circle" which is Huron High School's literary magazine. I was on the staff for two years, poetry editor for my second. Eileen and Jenny were on the staff as well. Mrs. Thompson was also one of my English teachers senior year, and wrote one of my letters of recommendation when I was applying to colleges. She was a little wacky, but fun, and very nice. This is weirding me out. A lot.