the one with That Time I Forgot To Update For Months

Nov 02, 2011 12:11

Why, hello again LJ-land. It has been many a month since I updated this journal, and not all that much has happened since I last did, in fact, post. I'm a confirmed candidate now though? That's pretty cool.

Okay, so yesterday I went to this Melbourne Cup lunch after being invited along by S (it was put on by her company). My friend SS also went, so it wasn't really just me and business folk, which was good because as I learned, business folk are pretty darn dull. Anyway. So we are at this fancy resturant, and I am basically just listening to how amaaaazing S is, how she's being given half of the company, and how hot she is. There was this one agent guy (S's business is in finance, so there were a couple real estate agents), who was quite good-looking, and despite S stating on many occassions that she has a partner and that they even have a house together, he persisted in flirting with her. (This would be a jerk move, though S flirts outrageously at the best of times so it was actually a jerk move on both of their behalf's). The lunch was pretty amazing, but for how much it cost, you'd kind of hope it would be.

Okay so anyway, later, after we'd been there for 5 FREAKING HOURS, S's boss eventually asked me what I was going to do if I didn't get an academic position after the Ph.D is finished (and of course, I loooove answering this question, there's nothing more fun than discussing what you'll do if you fail at securing a professional position with (almost) complete strangers). So it went more or less like this:

Boss: So what are you going to do if you don't get a post-doc?
Me: Oh, well, I'll either teach high school music, or [FLIPPANTLY] marry someone well-off enough to support my research.
Boss: Okay then. [PAUSE]. You might want to try teaching, just being cute doesn't really cut it these days.
Me: [gets up and goes to the bathroom]

It was also mentioned quite a few times that I looked fourteen, and that none of the others actually believed that I am, in fact, nearly a year older than S. And I mean, fair enough, I do not wear the sorts of clothes that a high portion of 25 year old women wear. I do not wear dresses that expose half my chest. I do not wear tight fitting dresses. S and SS both had at least half of their chests exposed, and S's dress was doing a constant battle with gravity. And okay, I also don't wear stilletos. This is fair enough, a lot of women don't do these things also. But seriously. WTF.

I have had two outings now in less than a week (the first was SS's sister's wedding last Friday) where I have basically just been told that S is extraordinarily hot and attractive, and I am "just cute". I wish it wasn't starting to get to me (for one thing, I don't even think S's dress was that nice. It's just after you've heard like 10+ people TELLING YOU that it is, you sort of start thinking they're right idk). But it kinda is. I mean, okay. I would honestly not want to date the sort of male who finds the prospect of S and SS better than me. Obviously. But as I very rarely actually get to meet any males who would be more inclined as to my way of dressing/interests/whatnot it starts to seem like there's only those other males out there and then the dramallama OMG THERE IS NO ONE FOR ME I LOOK LIKE A TEENAGER STILL I AM 25 THOUGH AND FML begins.

I hope that made some sort of sense.

people being bollocks, being stupid, wtf guys

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