Alright so due to my inability to breathe, let me present:
THE GREAT HAIR LENGTH PROBLEM: Or, Every So Often I Forget Why I Chose This Hair Cut In The First Place:
Okay, so I have short hair. I look like this:
Especially when I'm being stupid. ANYWAY. Currently I am growing out my mop hair to be a short bob (think, just long enough to tuck behind your ears short). I am not sure about this now. This is because I am indecisive about this sort of thing, but also because I've had a multitude of hair cuts in the past that have seemed at least okay at the time, but on closer reflection were actually pretty hideous.
This is me aged about 18/19 years old. I had just cut off epic amounts of hair and this was my bob. It was also ginger because I had a secret desire to be a Weasley. Or something.
Prior to being a ginger, I had my natural hair colour and got lazy with my fringe. And, as the date stamp shows, this is surprisingly 2004 and not 1998 like you might assume from my jewellery/glasses.
In about my second last year of undergrad (2008? 2007? Christ knows. Sometime around then) I grew my hair out after the hairdresser had given me a mullet. Asymetric bob.
About maybe a month, two months after the above photo, my hair had gotten less asymetric and just more bushy. Also fashion sense took a turn for the lolz. Jesus Christ me, wtf were you thinking. Still. Good for the lolz.
And then I just got lazy. This is about when I decided that my hair was eating my face and I chopped it all off excessively (like, Emma Watson now? Yeah perhaps an inch longer than that).
The problem with all these long-short hair cuts for me, is that they were all done by hairdressers. Not particularly expensive ones, either. I know it sounds pretentious, but I am actually far better at cutting my own hair than most hairdressers are, because I know how bothered I am with styling it, how it sits and how bushy it gets. So I think I could do something better myself. It also should be noted that in these photos (other than the super recent one) I would have just air dried my hair and that would be it. Maybe some hairspray if you're lucky. I am extremely lazy at doing my hair, and did not even own a hair dryer for like six years. Yeah I know. It's pretty rubbish.
Also, I'm not sure I should judge my potential for longer-short hair on the basis of old photos as this has also shown that my face freaking changes a lot. O_o Idk. I'd like to get a short haired Zooey Deschanel thing going on, with the dark hair and light eyes. Who knows.
Worst comes to worst, I can just chop it off again.