Nov 08, 2010 11:22
I guess this is the benefit of having a journal for a long time?
Five Years of November (aroundabouts the 8th):
Yar. Parkway Drive tonight with Sam and her friend Ben. Whom I've never met before and so I will be undeniably awkward and nervous. Because I love meeting new people. Ohhh yeah.
It's been raining. Or going to rain/storm. Only now it isn't, and has decided to be humid. My life is just that exciting.
Cheerio then.
Finally got my Soundwave ticket today. I'm actually really excited about the festival, even though it's on next year, because I've recently fallen in love with Chiodos. I'm not too excited about seeing The Offspring, mostly because I hate them with a vengence. They reallyreally annoy me. I also hate Korn in a similar manner, though they aren't on the bill so that's good.
Sometimes I really worry that I'm going to have to change my entire look to be a musicologist. In all honesty I probably am, or at least I'll have to tone it down a bit. I'm assuming not so many reputable universities actually want to hire a short woman with black and blue hair who wears black band shirts with gory designs and tight black jeans and sneakers. Or one with a facial peircing and a love of black eyeliner. Ugh anyway, worry about that in two years time.
I had my first exam of the exam period last night. It was alright, up until I came home and realised that I had forgotten to add the extra accidental to make my modulation from A major to E major actually a modulation. Hopefully, that will be the worst mistake I made. It really annoys me though, because that's such a stupid mistake and after doing music theory for eleven years, you know I think I should have remembered. ANYWAY.
There is finally cricket on my television. Oh cricket, how I love thee.
Ugh, back to the studying of the early twentieth century music. I swear, the early twentieth century bit is the most boring part of modern music history. I enjoyed learning about the minimalists and Ralph Vaughn Williams, etc., etc. but 1890-1930 is just Schoenberg, Schoenberg, Schoenberg. (Well, it's not really, but you still do need to know alot about him).
Hallo flist.
My flat is on the first storey of a two storey concrete block. We're getting water dripping through the bathroom roof in several places. I'm kinda worried the roof in the bathroom is no longer structurally sound. Does anyone have any knowledge about such things? It'd be mega-helpful, because I really don't know what the hell to do about it.
I keep forgeting to update this lj. Although, I keep forgetting what day it is so perhaps this is a larger problem that just keeping the lj updated. Anyway.
It is almost Things Are Due time. As in, on Monday and Wednesday (and the following Monday). If my life was a film, there would be constant tension music playing right now.
I REALLY FREAKING want to graduate with my average over 80% so that I get a PhD scholarship. But I'm worried it's not going to happen, because what if the world just hates me? What if I'm too stupid to write a decent enough thesis? What if I'm too rubbish to do my coursework properly? What if what if what if. (For the record, with the exception of one course, my grades so far have been 83% and above but that doesn't stop me worrying).
I am now possibly in the category of Dating Someone. I most certainly fit the critera of Seeing Someone but I'm not sure we're at (or even if I want to be at it at this stage anyway) the good ol' BF/GF stage. In any case, I'm not sure how far or how long this'll go for, but I'm trying to just enjoy it while it lasts. It's just a very bizarre situation to be in, Seeing a guy you went to primary school with, had a bit of a pre-teen crush on him (oh those were the days) and then randomly asked to meet up via facebook. My brain seriously just tries, and then goes WTF CANNOT COMPUTE. But he's really nice and so very similar to me in world view etc and polite and British and tall and quiet and thin and plays guitar and likes fancy clothes and races Formula fords and stuff. I am just very glad to be where I'm at now, where I believe that I'm an awesome person and it's not because other people think I'm awesome. Apparently you can be confident within yourself and not have that be a turn-off. Apparently you can be a near walking paradox and that can be a good thing.
Apparently. I am so glad to discover this. Because eventually, no matter how confident you are, it ends up back to the "if I'm so awesome why is no one interested in me?" place. And other than the "because no one else matches you in awesome levels" response, I'm not sure how one can resolve that without the niggling feeling that perhaps you've been mislead with your awesome levels.
five things,
stuff yo,
being awesome