HAI GUYZ. It's Friday. Sadly, I have no exciting weekend plans, so all this means to me is that I do not have to pack my lunch tonight for tomorrow. But that's enough for me to be reasonably excited about, because Christ my lunch preparation takes forever these days (have been foraying into the world of Eating Things That Have Nutritional Value, which basically means SO MUCH FRUIT OMG because it (and vegetables) are pretty much what I like eating. Other than carbs. Man I love me some carbs). Anyway. I got my Minnotonka (Minnitonka? Godknows I can't remember) mocassins in the mail yesterday (Sportsgirl stocks them now, they otherwise do not ship to Australia). But alas, they were too wide for my sorta-wide-but-not-that-wide feet. So I took them in to Sportsgirl at Indro to return them yesterday afternoon. Turns out, Awesome Manager from Toowong SG is now Awesome Manager at Indro SG, so we had a chat (Sarah was with me so this sort of freaked her out, I'm not sure she thought I was serious when I said this happens on a regular basis). Swapped the too-wide mocassins for a pair of suede (because I have this thing where basically all my shoes are either patent leather or suede) flat sandals with tiny silver studs on them and a lacey boobtube to go under the dress I got also. And then got yet another awesome ring, and some VERY RED nailpolish.
So anyway. I was a bit hesitant about this dress, because I'm paranoid and weird about things like that. I actually like it because it disguises my hips and is actually appropriate to my amount (or lack thereof) of chest. EVIDENCE:
Today I'm wearing it with black patent Docs, but when we go to the opera I shall wear it with my EPIC black suede wedges and black tights (maybe silver-grey ones if I can handle not wearing all black). I'm also planning on borrowing this black furry wool stole from Grandma, which is made out of that weird feathery wool.