Sep 20, 2009 15:51
So today I have finished my Purcell script for my presentation. Good thing, considering it's tomorrow afternoon. I hope to read through it a few times this evening by myself while Bob goes out to weight-lifting with his friends.
My eyes are also really dry, because it's sitting at about 35% humidity here presently. While this is good for not making the 30 degree (C) plus weather any nastier than it has to be, it's also very irritating to have dry eyes. This could be solved with eye drops, but I can't bring myself to use them. Lucky I don't have to wear contacts.
I have not gone outside since this time yesterday. I am restless now.
I feel like this week I've just been posting really fragment-y posts. Haven't decided if this is a bad thing or not yet. Regardless, it will probably cease now. While for the next month everything will probably be "OMG THESIS DEAD THESIS NEED MORE TIME ARGH", I'll try and keep it coherent. If only for the facade of sanity, if nothing else.
I am not happy it is now Summer though it is only the first month of Spring because:
a) I love wearing Docs but summer and Docs are just not a good mix.
b) I prefer to have my legs totally covered (arms too), and this is also hard to achieve in summer without frying.
c) My summer uniform of denim shorts, tshirt or tank top and sandals is incredibly boring. I am already sick of it.
d) Unscented sunscreen is never not just as smelly as regular sunscreen. I hate smelling like sunscreen at uni all day, but I also hate getting tanned/sunburn.