(no subject)

Nov 04, 2010 22:01

my tutor wants to help me publish my dissertation as a propper behavioural study piece.

people work ten years for this. i havnt even finished my degree.

my career may begin before i even finish the second year of my degree.

literally the happiest i could be!
just got to hope shes pregnant now :D binturong are fookin amazing!!!

also,dyly is recovering nicely. had an exam today (wich went swimmingly btw) and so paid george a tenner to watch over him. hes doing grand,a lot more dyly like today ^_^

not going out over the weekend, i have lots of work today and with dylys surgery costing me a small fortune i am not really in the position. im kinda glad in a way tho, at least i know now that i am infat adult enough to look after him. i paid for it myself which was money i earnt through making decisions for both mine and dylans benefit. and it worked splendidly ^_^

got to love progress.
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