Jun 13, 2008 07:13
yesterday I realized that so many layers of me had burned last saturday that I was actually bleeding a little.
that was creepy.
today we go to the lake!
when TJ and I are both off work we are going to go up to Pine Mountain Lake, where his grandparents live, and chill for the father's day weekend with his family. which will be lovely.
I just called my dad to see what he's doing for father's day. Apparently they're having a brunch/pool party around 11, and TJ and i are invited. it'd be lovely if we could make it. I doubt we can, but it's worth a shot.
Technically I called him much earlier in the week and he said he'd call me back, which he didn't so i just called him to remind him. he's getting on in years now so sometimes he forgets. NOTE TO READER: DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE 40 TO HAVE CHILDREN. secondary note to reader: if you DO wait til 40 to have children, do not have a second round of children in your late fifties, they make you age faster.
I need to find some fishing line and an embroidery needle to fix my swimsuit with. it's a little too revealing right now.
ramble ramble ramble
off to get ready for work!