Random musings on DragonCon

Oct 08, 2008 10:22

Dragon Con was a lot of fun this year, but could have been better in a few ways
Every year for the past 3 SOMETHING has happened..car broken into, $250 parking fees, weird stuff. This year I was mentally looking over my shoulder the whole time, wondering what was going to happen, what the trip was going to cost me, etc., and as such really wasn't able to have the good time that I worked so hard for.
Not making that mistake next time, whenever we can make it.

So, Got into town on Wendsday afternoon, Ed picked us up from the airport, took us back to his and Sharon's house, and we proceeded to laugh, enjoy ourselves, and generally get into pre-con sillyness mode.
Got to see Dr Horribles Sing along Blog for the first time. AWESOME!
Thursday we checked in to the Mariott with little difficulty, and happily went to the room to unpack a few things before jumping out into the fun the is the Day Before.
I won't bore you with the details, but will skip to the happy highlights sections of our report (Some of which I went over before...)
Seeing people that I only see once a year, or have only talked to on the Devils Panties forums was absolutely the best part of the weekend for me.
Mary and I went to a few panels, watched some more on DCTV, drank a LOT, didn't spend but a few minutes with Demmie or the Clique crew (Which I will rectify next year. I'm far too behind on my quota of hanging out with spiffy people at D*C), chilled with Briana  bit, partied with the DP forum crowd, got to meet Laurel K. Hamilton (Mary had an awesome fangirl moment there)
The kilt blowing was fun as always, got some good cheers and enjoyed the sillyness

Got back home okay, had to work a fuckload of overtime, am currently working the creative juices for next years costumes, and have the materials to start some...
More pics up in my flickr account!
All in all, a good time, and I can't wait for next year


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