I love my job?

Oct 21, 2007 05:06

For the past few weeks, and right up to Halloween I'll be working what amounts to 2 full time jobs, one at my regular work with Sorenson, and my lot monkey duties at the Castle of Chaos.

Ah, Castle patrons, how I loathe you bunch of cell phone talking while parking, try to run me down while whipping in to the lot at high speeds, dropping off 10 kids while blocking the entrance, can't follow a single fucking direction assholes.

Really, how hard is it to put the phone down and follow the flashing lights like the good little lemmings that you are?

The amount of respect that I have for cops on traffic duty? Yeah, through the roof, baby. The whole "It's okay for ME because I'm in a hurry" routine gets real old after the 100th time that hour I have to yell at someone to get out of the fucking exit, to move into the lot so that other cars aren't backed into the street, or to actually JUMP out of the way because some asshole aims FOR my directing lights instead of where I'm pointing them. My arms are tired.

On the plus side?

I'm pretty sure that the car and trucks full of screaming high school boys are hitting on me and are coming out to declare thier love for my sweet, traffic directing ass. It's cute, really, although I hate to break their little hearts.
So many closeted little football players, so many hearts to break.

But I have some decent music to rock out to, that's awesome.

castle, work

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