Nov 29, 2004 21:06
im pulling a C in german... I just can't learn the way Frau teaches, she just rushes through her whole class perid saying we have so much to do and by the end I don't feel like I'm any smarter. My english grade is exactally a 90% praise the lord.
I'm really hoping that my science teacher will give me a good grade on the project Karen and I did cause I spent so much time on it.
I don't understand math for tbe life of me tonight, because I felt I had to make a birthday card during 3rd period for Rachel(I really feel pretty unappreciated by most of the gymnastics team in general and it makes me sick that I have to waltz down there after school every day just so I can hear the trainers latest idea about my injury)
This whole progress report thing is completely wearing on me because i know my parents are going to kill me.
Gymnastics sucked today. The coach made me go see the school docter, even though i'm already seeing a sports docter downtown. and the school doc said that I should get a egm (it think thats what its called) or an mri because he think i probaly have nerve damage since its taking so long to heal. Great that's the 6th veiw i've recieved on the nature of my shoulder pain.
I had a pounding headache for the rest of practice, partially because we ran and partially because I was just really pissed off. So when I got home I took a nap, which was nice but really didn't make a difference.
Trying to sort through homework now is seeming utterly impossible, and all i want to do is hide under my sheets until the weekend. how pathetic...