Thoughts and Ramblings: Gaming Conventions and kids.

Jun 16, 2014 19:02

This will upset some parents I'm sure but hey, I doubt they read this anyway.
An Open letter to gamers who are parents:

Dear Parent,
I was a parent of a small child or two once.  I too like to go to conventions like GenCon and Origins to play games.  I know you are there for that reason.  HOWEVER  I am not there to watch your child while you game.  If you cannot control that child and let him/her run wild in a large convention center with lots of strangers of varying degrees of trustworthiness, then leave them at home with a relative or trusted baby sitter.  It will reduce the frustration level of the other gamers and keep your child a heck of a lot safer.  SAFER.  And they will not bother others on vacation either.
Thank you

vacation, conventions, life, cons, children

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