
Jun 14, 2008 22:56 know those commercials (visa or mastercard or something) where people are chastised for using cash or writing a check and "ruin" everything because they didn't use a debit card? Well, I hate those commercials. I think the mentality is a dangerous one to promote, and probably one reasons why so many young people these days are in debt in our country. Yes...debit cards are easier to use--and fewer people keep track of their spending as a result.

Well, anyhow. The point. One of these commercials is set in a garden center store. Everything colorful, bright and happy. Then the woman goes to write her check. The music stops, everything fades to grey, the birds stop flying around...and I notice that the woman making that serious crime of (gasp) check writing is also left-handed. I'm not suggesting there is any hidden meaning intended in this, but it did strike me as odd. Not only is she the rare check-writer, but she's also a rare lefty. I just found it interesting. I don't know why i latch onto these details.

In other news, in the last few days, we have found several camel crickets (or spider crickets/ "sprickets") and an American cockroach in our house and I cannot wait to move. Cohabitation with big scary bugs (especially ones that have 4 inch long legs and a 6 foot vertical jump) is so not cool.

On a more positive note (so that it's not all just ranting) Jack is amazing and brought me 2 kinder eier, a bag of nimm 2 soft, 2 cartons of Knorr Gemuse Boullion, 1 bag of MAOM mix, 3 bags of Staffetten, 2 bags of Colo Rado, and a pair of Birkenstock sandals from Germany. All of that, just for me! AND THEN he was amazing and helped me help Lisa move out of her apartment, went with me to have my car looked at (ugh car trouble) and was in general, amazing all week. AND he's coming back next week. I have to make it up to him and do something really great for him next week. Suggestions?
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