May 22, 2003 16:52
OK, so David's dad leaves at 4:00am for his camping trip, and I think, YEEESSS!!! I won't see him again until MONDAY! But THEN, at 4:00pm he comes home, the same time he comes home from work everyday, the time of the day I dread and wish never comes, but he did, he came home at four. I thought he was only comming back to pick up the rest of his stuff and pick up David's sister, Amy, who was suppossed to come with him. I expected this, so I thought, ok, well, he's only going to be here for a couple of hours and then he's going to leave...WRONG!!!!! It turns out that ALL OF THE SUDDEN his truck has a fucked up radiator. The car place doesn't open until tommorrow morning, PLUS he has to wait until Amy gets out of school. HE'S GOING TO BE HERE ALL NIGHT AND ALL DAY TOMMORROW!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I thought I was going to finally wake up tommorrow and look forward to a peaceful morning and a restful day...I guess not...Why do these thing always happen? I just KNEW that this was going to happen. First, I can't get a job, and then, his fuckin' father comes home for the night when he's suppossed to be camping!!!!! MY friday is ruined!!!! Well, at least I will have that night and the rest of the three-day weekend to enjoy without him, but still....I already know what will happen next: He figures out that the truck can't be fixed, and then, TRIP CANCELLED...I just know it, you know why I know it? Because it always happens to me!!!! God, I hate my life...the bad things always happen to me...FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!! ::stabs herself repeatedly:: Awww, fuck, and I didn't even die....