(no subject)

Mar 30, 2005 15:05

so right now your probably wondering how I know you have been reading this specific journal, well you can thank mom for that.the reason i havent been updating  as much is because you have decided to invade my privacy, nice job you can give yourself a pat on the back for that one.Unfortunately I have once again outsmarted you both i found a way to be able to continue posting without you knowing, for example deleting an entry before you have the chance to read it.therefor you are just wasting your time and might as well give up, because lets just face it you wont and cant win this ongoing battle to know every single detail of my life. yes its true that i may be your daughter, but  in my eyes you gave up your rights a long time ago to have any say in what goes on in my life.here are just some examples just in case you cant process what im saying:
  • you were never really  around
  • you weren't there for me whenever i needed you,actually you were never there for me period
  • your insecure
  • your more immature than all the boys at my school, put together
  • not until about the last two-three months have you tried to be a real father figure
  • you dont seem to support me in anything, especially life altering decisions
  • when i go to visit you, you spend most of the time in your office working

like i said these are only some of the reasons. now i love you alot i dont want you to think otherwise.but because you decided to be a friend towards me (which can be kinda cool) rather than a father, your "fatherly" opinions and input just dont matter to me anymore. ever since i was little i tried to find as many ways as possible to try and impress you thinking that maybe you would respect, love, and improve of me more. while growing up i realized not only is this whole family including mom, chris, and taylor dysfunctional, but i would just have to raise myself the way i thought "normal" parents would raise their child. Im sorry if i have offended you any way but this is how i feel and you will just have to deal with it.

love you lots,

kiddo little
p.s dont expect me to talk about this with you, i think i made my point pretty clear, and there is nothing else i feel needs to be discussed
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