A New Day...

Oct 29, 2007 12:28

Today starts the first day of this endeavor that is not unfamilliar to me of losing weight. I have not been this heavy since I was 9 months pregnant with Madeline and even though the reasons for the weight gain were legitimate, the stalling in actually making it go away has gone on a lot longer than I would like to admit.

I took Mike to the doctor a few weeks ago and the doctor is concerned that Mike is putting on weight. Really, at the moment, he is worried that Mike's liver is not going to be able to handle the large amount of cholesterol meds he is taking and so we both got reamed pretty hard by the doctor. I love my doctor and he's absolutely right. I need to get the weight off to PREVENT a heart attack or stroke (or more stretch marks, knee problems, achy joints, more chins, and now that I wear heels everyday, OW!) and Mike needs to lose weight so he will not die. You would think that these factors would be amazing motivators for actually getting off your ass and starting a diet and exercise routine but to be honest, I have gained 12 pounds since Mike's surgery last year. So, we set a date to start *enter dark music here* THE DIET.

Dr. Clifford suggested South Beach because it was written by a cardiologist who was disgruntled about the "Heart Association Diet" and though on the outside, it doesnt really seem to be an extremely heart healthy diet, when you really get into the subject of cholesterol, evidently there is good and bad cholesterol and on this diet, you definitely have a tendency to steer clear of the baddies. Plus it's pretty low calorie. I added up about 1500 calories a day. We'll see how it goes.

I wonder what percentage of hunger is imagined? I'm trying to not think about it. Any time you start a diet that depletes your carb count, you get hungry quickly. I have a snack here but since I just ate lunch, I'm trying to hold out until about three. Phase 1 is the hardest becasue it's only a few carbs. I am curious to maybe read on and find out what it says about carbs in phase two. Out of every diet I have tried, Atkins worked the best so maybe this one will work even better? (and my friends wont hate me because of a piss poor attitude)

This weekend was busy as hell. Thanks to my good friend monsterpissed, I was the lucky recipient of the scariest most obnoxious thing I have ever in my life encountered. Disney's High School Musical- The Ice Tour! The show was pretty good but there were literally thousands of screaming little girls there and I still dont think my ears are healed yet. Madeline had a freakin blast though....and really at the end of the day, that's what it's about. Mother/daughter bonding. :)

Saturday was good until I was on my way out the door to go to the now infamous Halloween party hosted by most of my lj friends. (too lazy to write them all out. You know who you are. haha)I walked out of my garage and saw that my tire was minutes away from being a pancake. Fucking nail! I called Wal-Mart, which happened to be the ONLY place open and they quoted me an hour and a half wait..so after putting air and gas in the car and driving around to make sure there was indeed no one else open, I took it in and waited the almost two hours it took for them to put a damn plug in the nail hole. I was so annoyed that my evening plans were almost cancelled but I am definitely glad I went. It was much fun.

After seeing someone I have not really even thought of since 1996, wrapping my hand around a slug on a cup and mingling with good peeps and wondering how the hell people can actually play Guitar Hero...at the end of it all, I really missed Bert. It was fun but strange to not have him there. He was always there and I always made a b-line right to him. Most of the time completely ignoring Mikey so I could hang out and talk to him all night. It was bittersweet. I am thankful for those who are still here that I love and love me back and I guess I have to come to terms that there will always be an empty place in my soul where he used to be and as much as it pains me, there's not a damn thing I can do about it.

Today is my first day as a permanent employee at my job. Yay!


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