Sep 28, 2008 11:45
I am in Chicago at my latest gig where I've been stuck for a month now. My time is almost finished and I'll be glad to get home to Canada. Americans can be a bit abrupt and ...... well, lets leave it at that.
Being here in the USA at election time has been enlightening to say the least. We Canadians don't take our politics as seriously or get as involved as the average man/woman here in the USA. They typically have 25-28% more voter turnout than we do for one thing. Of course they do have elections much less often so I guess getting people excited and involved once every four years is easier than trying to engage their interests on a regular basis. Its hard to keep up with the election whims of the Canadian government. Although I like Harper, part of me wishes he would lose enough seats that it would be degrading. The only reason for this election is that he believes his popularity is at a high so it may be a good opportunity to get the majority he prefers. I say let the election stand. If you've done a good job in your term then you will get a majority next term. There ought to be a law. ........ oh yeah, there is....but those are for parties other than the PCs right.