Jun 24, 2014 17:08
I can't text you or call you but I've got a lot to say to you. I'm going to tell you something about myself, I don't keep things in and since I can't tell you how I feel this is going to have to do.
You claim to be better than me. How so? I kissed a boy and immediately knew something was wrong and turned in the ring that promised I would marry another. You convinced your HUSBAND, who you already made that promise to, to allow another man to move in. And (even if you won't fully admit it, he did) have an affair with said man! [Please note I'm leaving out how you said "I may not be here when you deploy" and "I've been unhappy for 2 years" (which is super funny to me since you sure look happy spending your husbands money on trips to Vegas to see your stupid ass supernatural men, who btw are nothing but has beens and don't remember you because you're just a meaningless fan, or getting season passes to Disney. Forget charge it to the room, you just charge everything to my husbands credit card, EVEN meals with your new man. That is low. Realy low)
You claim that I am the reason your not coming to the wedding. That's funny since you never cared about the wedding since the beginning. Then after you said "I'll be there bestie" She even gave you an opportunity to say you didn't want to come because of the people who would be attending but no you were going to be there. Until you started with the excuses: 1. "I don't think I can leave the state" (this is your fault btw you're the dumbass who punched him. It's not his fault because you're an idiot) 2. "I don't have enough money". And the latest 3. "Joanna would start something or so would he's parents". You don't know me so that's fine but if you think id ruin the wedding that I've helped plan you're on so many drugs you should be institutionalized. And his parents are not assholes like yours obviously are. (This is leaving out the most bitchy thing you did. Aka put on your bridesmaids dress and post it on Facebook 2 days after you declined. That realy was a slap in her face and if you see it any other way you're a stupid stupid girl).
Now you claim I'm the reason you talked to the other guy. Newsflash: you told Paul he couldn't talk to me. And he like a dumbass actually listened (we did talk about wedding tuff because well it's his best friends wedding). I could show you the messages if you were really interested. And FYI NO one can make some one else cheat.
Moral of the story: grow up, take responsibility, stop being a shitty person and an even worse friend and pretend to care about the people that cared about you.
But I honesly hope that you get what's coming to you.
See ya on the flip side skank!
And you: when you needed me I was there. I may be more of a lion then you would like but that's me. I don't let people walk all over me, you taught me not to do that. This whole you picking and choosing when to talk to me, is ridicolous and childish. I didn't have the reaction you wanted so you stop talking to me. Yup. I'm the one that never grew up. Where are/were you when I needed you?