Jul 11, 2002 05:33
An all nighter? During the summer? Obscene. I know. Well it'll all be over after today. Thank god (at least for 3 days it will). Damn this summer of math. So I am here to procrastinate a bit because dammit I deserve to. Anyway I haven't been here for awhile I just remembered. Ok so quick summary: NYC trip = good and also cracked out Kristina for the following few days, 4th of July weekend (and/or 4th of Rob's birthday) = much merriment to be had by all. Made me realize how much I like my Albany friends, lets hope this feeling stays through the school year. Upcoming = Bobbi's birthday Webster Hall trip! (will update on that excitement). For the weekend = work (bleh) but I think on Friday its gonna be a possible rave in po-town. The tiara will be in full effect don't worry. Ok back to work.