May 01, 2008 13:44
A bit ago I wrote about my brother being in an accident. And a few other things that was about him. Well, he was released from jail a few weeks ago, into a housing facility. About a week ago his leg got infected, so he was sent to the hospital to get it treated.
Today he called... his infection is extremely serious. They are doing blood work to determine if its an infection in his blood or in the bone of his leg. Later today they will know where the infection is. And depending on where it is depends on what they are going to do.
If its in his blood they're going to keep him in the hospital under a strict antibiotictreatment. If its in his bone they're going to amputate his leg. He is terrified of what may happen, and I am a little scared for him, so is our mom. Though on the same note, we believe its karma coming back to bite him in the rear. He's reaping what he sowed. He drank, he drove, he nearly died, he hurt someone else, and now... its all coming back on him.
I love my brother, but maybe he does need to lose his leg for him to finally learn that he needs to quit drinking and drugging. I don't know what to do... really I don't.