Oct 17, 2010 02:36
Damn here we go again, people talking shit and when shit hit the fan, Everything i'm not, made me everything i am. Life is pretty good, i sometimes haha well i know i'm high maintence, I have this sudden urge of negatvity around, maybe auntie flo is on her way. =/ I know TMI. my freakin 29th bday is coming up!!!! whew, stil in the 20's i'll take it.
My lil girl i am so proud of, she is such a smart lil nugget, such a joy to be with. My situation is nice, my goal in life was to own my own home by the time i'm 30! one year folks. lets see. how this goes. =) it is the time to buy in Vegas, raise a kid in vegas??? idk, me and cambria are pretty tight, plus she will NEVER get anything passed ME. LOL
Works great! finally working with me, i feel like my voice was heard and i have like a 9-5 basically, i am very happy, plus hard rock is based on performance and sales, i just gotta keep it up!!! gah it's so late for me. wtf i'm going to bed... gggggggoodight errryone.