Subject: I’ve been playing around with some photos I’ve taken on various holidays and thought I’d share the results here!
Themes: Hawai’i, Santorini and Corfu
Rules: Please credit
pixiecreative if you use any icons. If you take any icons can you please comment so I know which ones people like :-). Also feel free to comment even if you don't take any. Please don’t hot link. Enjoy!
Hawaii 1
Hawaii 2
Hawaii 3
Hawaii 4
Hawaii 5
Hawaii 6
Hawaii 7
Hawaii 8
Hawaii 9
Hawaii 10
Hawaii 11
Corfu 1
Corfu 2
Corfu 3
Corfu 4
Corfu 5
Corfu 6
Santorini 1
Santorini 2
Santorini 3
Santorini 4
Santorini 5
Santorini 6
Santorini 7
Santorini 8
All photos by moi.