I am dying...at least I think so

May 31, 2005 10:00

I just got home from school. Sicker then shit. here read about me....

[1. Name/nickname] Stephanie/ Steffo;Steff;Stephie-Lynn;Pixie
[2. Birthday] 03/14/1990
[3. How old are you? Do you like your age?] 15/no I act older
[4. Astrological sign?] the fisheys
[5. Where were you born?] Davie, Florida
[6. How many siblings do you have? Do you get along with them?] I have a brother and two sisters. I don't get along with them. But I consider Mary, JB, and Christina family and them I get along with
[7. What school do you go to?] Western High
[8. What school are you going to after your finished with this one?] Either UCLA or UNiversity of Michigan
[9. Are some of your friends going to that school with you?] Maybe
[10. Who is your best friend(s)?] Mary, JB, Jessums, Ed
[11. What are your school colors/mascot?] gold and black
[12. Do you/your friends have school spirit?] nope
[13. Do you like your school?] sometimes I do sometimes I don't
[14. Have you ever ditched class by yourself?] yeah
[15. Have you ever ditched with your friend(s)?] yeah
[16. Have you ever dropped a class?] uh huh
[17. Ever skipped a whole day of school?] plenty of times
[18. Ever gotten suspended?] yupperz
[19. Ice cream:] Chcolate Cookie Dough
[20. Color:] purple
[21. Beverage:] Mountain Dew
[22. Number:] 13, 3
[23. Famous person:] umm...I don't know I don't think I have one
[24. Website:] neopets
[25. Football team:] dolphins
[26. Basketball team:] pistons
[27. Baseball team:] marlins
[28. Sport overall:] football or soccer or basketball
[29. Food:] strawberries
[30. State in the U.S.:] Michigan
[31. Flower:] Oklahoma Rose the closest thing to truly black. I have it in my backyard
[32. Subject in school:] acting
[33. Type of music to listen to:] Rock/Country/Techno
[34. Music artist(s):] I am to sick to type all that so whatever
[35. Weather condition:] winter cold rainy
[36. Gone fishing?] yeah I like to fish
[37. Went camping/to camp?] yep to both
[38. Been on a cruise?] nope not yet
[39. Watched the movie "Titanic"?] yeah its a good movie
[40. Went caroling at Christmas-time?] yeah they do that in Michigan
[41. Snuck out of your house at night?] yeah I do it alot
[42. Stolen your best friend's boy/girlfriend?] yeah once or twice
[43. Stolen anything?] yeah
[44. Went skydiving?] nope but I really want to
[45. Been to ground zero where 9/11 happened?] nope never been to New York
[46. Been to more than 5 states in the U.S.?] yeah
[47. Voted in a presidential election?] nope not old enough yet
[48. Met a really, really famous person (if so, who)?] My uncle Scott lead singer of Creed
[49. Been rock-climbing?] yep
[50. Been to a professional sports event (i.e NFL game)?] yeah
**DO YOU... (random)**
[51. Own a LIVESTRONG bracelet?] nope
[52. Know someone personally/related to someone who is famous?] yeah see 48
[53. Know the Muffin Man?] who lives on dreay lane?
[54. Like strawberry-kiwi flavored things?] yeah
[55. Like sarcasm?] yeah its ok
[56. Pre-judge people?] sometimes
[57. Have a short-attention-span or sometimes think you do?] yeah
[58. Think you were blonde in your past life or blonde now?] I am blonde thank you
[59. Get bored easily?] give me something shiny and I am fine for hours
[60. Like surveys?] yep
[61. Hate when surveys are over?] sometimes oh this one is over
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