I don't care if they are dating or not or if she's a bitch or a doll but
THIS photo is fucking adorable. Period.
I came home today to a gorgeous little postcard from the BFF! UGH! I LOVE YOU, SWEETHEART! THANK YOU for having SO MUCH faith in me and always having my back. UGH, YOU ARE THE BESTEST FRIEND ANYONE COULD EVER ASK FOR! And I'm sorry I haven't been baking anything for you. :(( I'll bake something for you this weekend, I promise!! :X :X :X
JASON MRAZ IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS HOLY SHIT. I still remember when I receive the text from
bydaylight on Christmas eve telling me that Jason's gonna perform here and omg, that was 3 months ago and it's finally heeerreeeee! Adskdjhfkjfh!!
YOU GUYS. If I start to bawl cry tear up during one of his songs, in particularly I'm Yours, PLEASE EXCUSE ME, OK. His performance can be a little overwhelming sometimes, what with all the crowds singing along together and I can't help it if I can't help it, ok. JASON. *__*
Ok time for my beauty sleep now. Need to be fresh and awake for Mr AtoZ! LOLOLOL. CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU GIRLS TOMORROW! :DDD