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Some of you guys have probably seen this video already but if you haven't WATCH IT NOW. How are they so freaking adorable?! I can't deal. They are probably talking about the missing sock and planning how to open the fridge. SO. CUTE. *_______________*
In other news, I just spent almost two thousand bucks on a new wardrobe and a new bed frame and mattress yesterday. It's about time I revamp my bedroom and I'm painting my bedroom walls teal and I'm really excited about it! Although I'm kind of tired just thinking about all the packing and moving things around and painting the walls and spending so much money on everything and I just. This better be worth it.
What colour is your bedroom, flist? Or if given the choice, what colour would you like your bedroom walls to be? I'd love to see photos of your bedrooms if you have them! I need some inspiration right now.
ETA: Robert Sheehan is leaving Misfits in the third season. WHY?! There's no Misfits without Nathan! And and Nathan and Simon are supposed to be BFFs!! I don't know how to deal with this news right now. :(