Title: plastic
Rating: R
Genre(s): general, humour
Word Count: ~730
Pairing(s) / Character(s): Arthur / Merlin, Lancelot, Leon, Morgana, Gwen, Will, Anhora, Freya, Sophia, Vivian
Warnings / Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin or Toy Story.
Summary: Arthur and his Knights of Camelot are the newest addition to Mordred's toy box. I forgot to post this up, whoops! Written for Challenge 5 of the
“Where’re we going?”
“Shush, Leon, I can’t-”
“Whose foot is in my face?”
“Sorry, I can’t see-”
“Guys, we’re here, we’re-”
The box is emptied on the floor, toy knight falling over toy knight, dressed in plastic chainmail and red capes. The boy casts the box aside and enthusiastic hands reach out.
“New toys!” he exclaims, picking up the knights. “Cool!”
“Mordred, we need to go now!”
The boy pouts. “But mum!” he wails, “I want to play with my new toys!”
“Later, Mordred.”
Mordred huffs, throwing down the knights. “I’ll be back, and then we’ll play,” he proclaims, and slams the door shut.
“Ow!” Arthur stands up, affronted and blonde hair ruffled. “The kid just dropped me. I’m a Prince, goddammit, not a plushie! Just because we’re hand-me-down gifts, doesn’t mean we should be mistreated!”
“Are you okay, sire?” Lancelot asks, concerned, whilst the other knights rearrange themselves in a strict line and salute.
“I’m fine,” Arthur grumbles, and pats his sword slung on his belt. “Excalibur and I are unharmed.” He looks around a spacious living-room. “Where are we?”
Before a knight can respond, the lid of the toy box opens.
“Oh hello!” the face of a doll peers out, green eyes bright in her large head. “We have company!”
“How exciting!” another doll exclaims, popping up beside the other.
One by one, toys climb out of the toy box, until the knights are surrounded.
“Knights.” A clown stands on the edge of the circle warily. His smile is upside-down. “Great.”
“Don’t mind Will,” the pale Bratz doll says, glaring at the clown, and turns an interested smile on the Knights. “I’m Morgana, this is Gwen.” She points at the other Bratz, darker-skinned with curly hair. “The Barbies are Sophia and Vivian. This is Freya,” a cat plushie, “Pegasus, but you can call her Peggy,” a unicorn plushie, “and the My Little Ponies One, Two and Three. We’re Emmyria’s toys; the rest are Mordred’s.”
Arthur is oblivious to the interested looks all the female dolls send his way, and focuses, instead, on the male doll walking towards him.
“Hi,” he says; he’s wearing a red neckerchief, with a mop of unruly black hair, and the bluest eyes Arthur’s ever seen. “I’m Merlin; this is Anhora, that’s the Gryphon, and you’ve met Will. There’s Kilgharrah too, but he’s always asleep in the toy box.”
“Prince Arthur of Camelot,” Arthur says, stepping forward. “And these are my Knights.”
Merlin smiles, wide. “Welcome, Arthur.”
By day, Merlin is Arthur’s enemy. He’s the evil wizard who pretends to be the Prince’s friend, but is secretly trying to overthrow the throne of Camelot. Anhora is his wizened master who teaches him spells, and the Gryphon is Merlin’s magical pet, until one tragic day, Lancelot slays him. Kilgharrah, who finally makes an appearance from sleeping at the bottom of the toy box, is the dragon Arthur has locked up in the dungeons, and who Merlin goes to for advice on corruption.
Will looks terribly out of place, and is killed off straight away.
Sometimes, Mordred secretly borrows Emmyria’s old toys, decommissioned after breaching her teenagehood. She spends so much time with her boyfriend Alvarr anyway - she won’t notice if Morgana and Gwen are wearing armour instead of their usual princess dresses, or if Arthur and his Knights are riding My Little Ponies; and she probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid at Sophia the Barbie Witch, Vivian the Entranced Princess, or the destruction of Freya the Giant Cat. Peggy, the unicorn plushie, is recruited to replace the Gryphon as top magical pet, until Arthur shoots her dead.
(Afterwards, Anhora brings her back to life because Merlin is too upset.)
But by night, away from Mordred’s fairytales, when the house is asleep, Merlin is Arthur’s friend.
“Jesus,” Arthur swears. “That kid has some imagination, more than Alvarr ever had. I’ve got permanent scratch marks on my legs from fighting Morgana. Morgana, Merlin!”
Merlin grins lecherously, presses his plastic mouth to Arthur’s naked thigh. “How about I make it all better?” he offers.
Arthur grins down at Merlin; appraises the red neckerchief in satisfaction, the only clothing Merlin is still wearing. “You are such a slut.”
Merlin flutters his eyelashes, and Arthur threads his fingers in that wild hair as he bucks his hips, moaning.
“Ssh,” Merlin murmurs, mouth full of plastic. “You’ll wake up the Ponies.”