Jul 29, 2013 23:22
Okay, now I'm getting serious about needing staff readers for Fey Publishing. I only want people I know and trust, which is why it's not going up on the website.
I've signed up for Submittables. That's a nifty program where people can submit directly to a database that keeps all the submissions. My staff readers will have access to them and be able to "vote" (pushing a button for yes, no and maybe) and leaving a few notes as to why they did/didn't like it. This is not detailed editing nor is it proof reading, it's a simple opinion on whether you liked the piece or not. Editing comes later.
Currently, I can have 8 staff members. I may have a few spots already filled. I need people who have the time to read things. Mostly, it's during anthology submission windows and to help with "Happily Never After". I want to get these read fairly quickly, but I'll split them up amongst everyone so you shouldn't have but 5-10 to read total. During non-anthology periods, there may be manuscripts to look over (or just chapters), but I won't overwhelm anyone with those and if you don't have time, that's fine. I'll be taking a small break from anthologies to catch up on manuscripts.
It can be used as experience. It's non-paying, but I will have a need for editors soon and will hopefully work out payment arrangements for those positions. I'll likely ask people I've worked with before to do editing when I can pay, so there are opportunities for that. I won't be able to pay market rate for editing right away, but my goals are to be able to do that in the future. I'm still getting started.
It will count as experience you can use as a resume and I'm happy to act as a reference for future jobs too. I'm a volunteer staff reader for a quarterly anthology for that very reason.
It shouldn't take up too much time, but if you have an hour or two a week to read cool and interesting things, I'd love to have you :)
Of course, you can still submit to me in the future. I just won't have you voting on your own piece for obvious reasons.
via ljapp,
fey publishing