LJ Idol Week 33 Rec List

Jul 12, 2012 08:32

I'm on my phone, at work, but wanted to throw up a rec list before the poll ended. This week, there are two polls and two people from each go. If the same two people are bottom of both polls (or even just one), the next one or two up in the second poll go. With an immunity to be handed out, this means that anyone is in danger really. So I wanted to highlight my favorite entries.

For both polls, I loved both of alien_infinity's pieces. She's one of the only people I can say that about. Because of the poll structure, she's really in danger. Read her entries, both fiction, and consider tossing a vote get way. She doesn't have a very large friends list and that could hurt her.

Her entries are here, one is sci-fi, the other fantasy with a romantic twist between the two men. Very fun all around!



My other favorites this week all seem to be from the second poll, making it even scarier!

milk_and_glass's entry here: http://milk-and-glass.livejournal.com/615222.html

n3m3sis42's entry here: http://n3m3sis42.livejournal.com/1114293.html

porn_this_way's entry: http://porn-this-way.livejournal.com/14276.html

I hope I'm not missing someone, the second topic was just so good, it was hard to pick my favorites all around.

Please feel free to check out my entries, I'm especially happy with my fiction this week. I had so much fun with The Call That Never Came, so I'd love it if you guys read it :)

Also, my sweetie wrote two wonderful horror pieces, as always, so don't forget to check him out either!

If you'd like to read and vote, remember there are two polls and to keep your favorites safe, you really need to vote in both. Just because they're safe in one, doesn't mean they're safe at all. Spread some voting love around because this week is super difficult with the wonky voting. So please head over to the link below to read and vote in both polls!



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