Jan 30, 2005 22:31
Well I'm doing spring cleaning early this week and let me tell you I'm glad it only comes around once a year. I've started cleaning out old drawers and closets and I found stuff I didn't even know I had. Geez, where does all the junk come from?
I also saw something today that almost made me cry. I have a beautiful cat named Salem, who was adopted from the animal shelter after giving birth to a litter of kittens. Well today, I was watching a documentary on tv where a woman was holding a tiny kitten and it started to cry. Well, my poor cat started to look frantically for this kitten and it nearly broke my heart. She got over it pretty quick, but it was still so sad to see her upset and looking for a phantom kitten. I did cuddle her and give her a couple of treats so I think she forgot about it.