
Feb 08, 2010 03:30

So...... Pittsburgh was hit by about 20 inches of snow between Friday night and Saturday afternoon and people are still digging out. I unfortunately had to venture out not once, but TWICE in the storm. We lost power last night for about an hour and a half and it's been threatening to go out again since then.
I have decided after seeing the conditions of the local roads at about 9pm last night, and the freeze I expect we got, that going to work (approx 30 miles away) just isn't worth it. The highway might be okay, but the side streets around me, and the ones around my office aren't kept up very well and I really would rather avoid any accidents. I feel slightly guilty but considering most of the county I live in is closed down (almost every school district is closed and even the University has canceled classes) I don't think it will be much of a surprise to my boss. It will be a big hit on my paycheck but I really don't want to risk it.

We'll just be eating ramen for the next couple of weeks.
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