Feb 03, 2005 00:22
ABC'S of Me...
A is for age: 16 whoot whoot!
B is for booze: muhahaha... ::dies laughing::
C is for career: hm... i'm gonna be...
D is for dad's name: hahaha. for all those "lo-phans" we'll call him Michael.
E is for essential items to bring to a party: MUSIC, people
F is for favorite song at the moment: Coin Operated Boy by Dresden Dolls
G is for girlfriend: sorry, but i don't have one of those... seeing how i'm a girl... who likes boys.
H is for hometown: Westerly.
I is for instruments you play: the triangle. thank you very much.
J is for jam/jelly you like: strawberry
K is for kids: two to three of them. both genders preferably.
L is for living arrangements: mom, dad, carol, grandparents, moi.
M is for mom's name: Qina.
N is for name of your best friend: Judy Lee :)
O is for overnight hospital stays: When I was born?
P is for phobia: dark hallways. being alone. i'm just really paranoid... all the time.
Q is for quote you like: "hey, maybe, baby, you could keep me up in bed"
R is for relationship that lasted longest: i don't consider anything of my past an actual "relationship"
S is for sexual position: ::dies::
T is for time you wake up: i wake up at 6:30- 6:45 depending on whether or not i feel like getting up.
U is for unique trait: oh oh oh! i'm just amazing.yeah. i'm just awesome. trust me.
V is for vegetable you love: i love all veggies.
W is for worst trait: talking back. mmm. yeah.
Y is for yummy food you make: mashed potatoes. mmmmmm.
Z is for zodiac sign: aquarius.