school sucks.

Aug 12, 2008 11:01

and it hasn't even started yet. i was in the school building for 2 hours and i already hate it and want it to be over, and that was only from the first 30 seconds of arriving. and of course the only class that i was going to actually find interesting this year, i didn't get because 'it's full 6th period' even though i turned in my class request sheet the day after we got it. and they gave me health instead. i filled in every space that they had open fo alternative classes, none of which had the word 'health' anywhere near it, and they gave me health. they want me to die don't they? i am not a people person, i hate people, i can't stand teenagers, or most people, i don't even like 5 people at this damn school, and i don't really trust any of the few people i like and i don't talk to them outside of school and rarely during school. i do not like people. so it would be nice if i had one class that wouldn't make my whole year complete torture.

oh, and i have figured out that i really, really, really suck at trying to do combination locks. i havn't been able to open my locker yet. great, isn't it?



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