Apr 04, 2005 20:27
>Your hair: blonde
>Your eyes: green
>Your fears: none
>Your perfect pizza: dont like it that much :/
what is
>Your most overused phrase on aim: whats up
>Your thoughts first waking up: have to get ready
>The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
>Your best physical feature: idk
>Your bedtime: dont have one
You prefer
>Pepsi or coke: pepsi
>Mcdonalds or BurgerKing: rallys
>Single or group dates: depends
>Adidas or Nike: adidas
>Chocalate or Vanilla: chocolate
>Cappucino or coffee: cappucino
>Boxers or briefs: speedos lol
do you
>smoke: no
>Take a shower everyday: yea
>Have a crush on someone: yea
>Do you think you've been in love: no
>Want to go to college: yes
>Want to get married: yes
>Type with your fingers on the right keys: yes
>Believe in yourself: yes
>Think your attractive: :/
>Get along with your parents: yes
>Like thunderstorms: i dont hate them
In the past 6 months, did/have you (a month tells of nothing)
>drink: yea
done a drug: no
>made out: no
>Go to the mall: yea
>Eaten a entire box of oreos: no
>Eaten sushi: yea
>Made homemade cookies: yea
>Been in love: no
>Dyed you hair: yea
>Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
>Been caught "doing something": no
>Been called a tease: no
>Gotten beat up: no
>Changed who you were to fit in: nope, never will
In the future
>Age you hoped to be married: 26
>Numbers and names of children: 2
>How do you want to die: in my sleep
>What do you want to be when you grow up: lawyer or teacher
>What country would you most like to visit: London
>Best eye color: green
>Best hair color: blonde
>Short or long hair: long
>Best height: taller than right now
>Best article of clothing: everything
number of
>Number of people you can trust with your life: 46
>Number of piercings: 2
>Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: 34
>Do you sleep on your back, belly or side: side
>Do you like water:yes