my rapier armor is in the making!

May 22, 2008 09:14

I am finnaly gonna have my own fencing garb to wear soon, I spent yesterday getting the fabric and figuring out the pattern, hopefully today I can start sewing it. Instead of a regular doublet like most everyone else is wearing, I found a pattern for a 13th century dress tunic that works for fighting, hopefully it will pass the punch test!

In other SCA news, I am working on my first piece of chain mail, and I am teaching myself too! I took it to fighter practice last weekend to show Lyle since he makes it all the time and he pointed out my mistakes and exlplained how to fix them. After taking the enitre thing apart I remade it and this time I think it looks much much better! I am so proud of my work...I am already planning on making a gift for a very close friend but first I need to make sure I have gotten the hang of it so I don't mess up their gift!

We were supposed to learn to knit tonight at A&S, but due to unforseen cicumstances we had to put that on hold so tonight it UFI night instead (Un Finished Items). Hopefully I will have my fighting garb to work on, if not I will play around with my chain mail or my hand loom (Lucette (?))

I have also decided that if Bush Gardens doesn't put me on the schedul next week I am going to find a different job. I haven't worked now in a month and I am getting extremely bored. I really don't see how people can want to be jobless, I am going insane from the lack of money and things to kep me busy around here!
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