Nov 27, 2007 17:25
I'd like to start off by wishing all of my friends a very happy holiday season (whichever way you may choose to celebrate it of course!).
Also Kathy,'s almost time for the new year's party??? Will it be at your place again this year or not? I recall someone mentioning doing it at a new location this year, but I might have imagined it?? lots of pictures from your trip man, Austrailia is on my to do list!!!
And to anyone who is interested in costume type thingies...I have joined the SCA...yupp, the people who dres and re-enact the middle ages. It's a blast I am learning so to sew, make the jewelry, and yes I am even learning to fence!!!
Just picture <3 I freakin love it!
Not to mention all the awesome new friends I have made, my barony is like a big family, I am so glad to have met such a caring, talented group of people!!!!
Well that is all for now...even tho there is one other thing I would like to mention..................I am not allowed to yet :(