not dial up friendly
1. Your favourite male character
Just a warning from here onwards: SPOILERS!
Moritz has always been my favourite character. He's so tragic and dorky and confused. My heart physically hurts for him everytime I watch the show and Left Behind always makes me tear up. The character goes on such a big journey from the start to (almost end) of the show, and I just want to run up to him, ruffle his hair and give him a hug.
2. Your favourite female character
I couldn't decide between Wendla and Isle for quite a long time, because I don't always know how I stand with Wendla. I suppose she can be interpreted in many different ways, and sometimes I find her slightly grating. However, at the end of the day she's a very naive, young girl and I find that part of her character really tragic.
3. A photo that makes you happy
I couldn't decide on just one! The first picture is Jon and Lea just being adorkable and goofing around. The second photo is the London cast and Steven Sater receiving 4 Olivier awards almost a year after the show closed prematurely. I was so happy for them I nearly cried, especially because it was bittersweet that unfortunately a show so deserving of this recognition was closed before it could receive it.
4. A photo that makes you nostalgic
Opening night at the Atlantic Theatre, Off-Broadway. The cast all look so young! I also think JGJ being a creeper is hilarious.
5. A photo that makes you sad
I don't know what breaks my heart more; John crying like he's actually still in character, or Remy's expression! :(
6. A photo that makes you laugh
Again, it was so difficult to pick just one photo. I love Hunter and Gerard's expressions on the first photo- just priceless! BCJ and JGJ next to a Superbad poster is pretty effing hilarious, as is JGJ demonstrating that Moritz is emo and doesn't like happy things like unicorns. :P And Blake's expression in the last photo just cracks me up. It looks like Kyle has tasered him from behind.
7. A photo of a scene/set/prop
It had to be the blackboard. I especially love how 'There Once Was A Pirate' is faded out above 'The Guilty Ones'.
8. Your favourite male cast member
GROFF. (I also have mad love for JGJ. And Matt Doyle. Scissors. That's all I'm saying.)
9. Your favourite female cast member
Christy Altomare <3 (It was at this point of the meme that I realised I'd been neglected the tour cast). Christy is so beautiful and sweet and lovely, that she really had to be my favourite gal. Her voice is so pretty and her album is really good. She also put a slightly different spin on Wendla's character, for me, which was refreshing.
10. Your favourite group photo
Firstly, the cast at the Tony's, because that was a pretty sweet night for them all. Secondly, the mini Spring Awakening reunion backstage at American Idiot (I love Gerard's expression in this one as well!) Thirdly, all the original ensemble: Gerard, Robbie, Krysta & Jenn <3 And then, of course, the GAP advert, because they all look really giggly and cute! (I feel bad for cropping JGJ's face... sorry about that!)