So, sitting up sick, I'm watching TV
According to Discovery Channel
I love these programs that purport to pull together all sorts of prophecies for The End Of Days (I feel like that deserves a little TM). You know, the ones that show how a million and a half different prophets all agree that we're all going to die in some great cataclysmic event, sometime soon?
This one focused on what is either going to be the freakiest or coolest day in our near future: 21 December 2012. You know, the great Mayan/I-Ching/Merlin/John of Patamos/computer-program/'insert other fortune-telling method here' prediction that our planet is going to go 'BOOM!' or something very close to that. I think we're pretty safe in predicting it's going to be a freaky or cool day, because people are going to be pretty damned worked up about it, and doing some freaky things (waiting for the world to end), and cool, because it's not often that you get to ride out the end of the world before looking back and saying 'Hey! The world didn't end.'
I love these programs, simply because of the tortured logic they use to make everything fit. Like the fact that only one of those systems has given us a specific date, and the rest have been tacked on later. The I-Ching? Doesn't list the date, that was come up with by some 20th century guy graphing out his interpretations of the hexagrams and ending up with nothing after 2012. The computer program? Dude, it's collecting terms used off the internet. First of all, that means the filter has a built-in bias (the bots are looking for 'selected' words and phrases), and second, a lot of people are thinking about things like rising seas because of (duh!) global warming, which doesn't -- incidentally -- come with a set date. The 2012 thing has been in the consciousness for decades. There is no surprise that it's showing up online; every conspiracy theory gets there.
So, what's going to happen on this date when the most accurate of calendars simply stops? Will the world be coming to an end? Will we make it come to an end simply out of expectation? After all, we like things to happen the way they're 'supposed' to. And why would the Mayans end things there if there wasn't something they thought was going to happen?
This, of course, is my current favourite theory:
So, how 'bout it, folks? 22 December 2012, we get together for a virtual drink and celebrate the chaos caused by incomplete paperwork before we get back to our boring lives that didn't end.
Hell... maybe by then they'll have better late-night TV. :)