(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 18:54

LJ Interests meme results

    get excited
  1. art:
    art is the reclaiming of the world.
  2. boys kissing boys:
    hehe, yeah...
  3. europe:
    old and lively
  4. gregory orr:

    When I was young
    I fell in love
    with nothing.
    Nothing had
    my heart.
    I was a moody
    unpleasant youth;
    even my mother
    disliked me.
    What are you
    brooding about?
    she’d ask.

    I’d answer.
    For once, she
    You’re good
    for nothing,
    she said, and
    nothing is good
    enough for you.


    When I was a child
    nothing was everywhere.
    It lay thick on leaves
    and gathered in pools
    under cedar trees.
    Nothing filled
    our barns
    and grazed our pastures.
    Nothing was so abundant
    we never thought
    to praise or prize it.
    Those days are gone
    forever. Now nothing
    is scarce
    and we lack for nothing.
  5. kitty-cats:
    are cute and fluffy
  6. old skool nickelodeon:
    pete and pete just kicks ass, nuff said
  7. reading:
    "arielle your not dumb, dumb people dont like reading." LK
  8. sweaters:
    ooo how i love sweaters, they are warm and if you get hot you cant just take off your sweater and no one thinks your a slut.
  9. vegetarians:
    apparently i only date vegetarians, i my self am not a vegetarian.
  10. ♥:

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