Jun 11, 2003 19:53
Its fun to go back and read shit others have written about you. If something is wrong, oh lets say for example that an animal has urinated on your things there are two solutions. One is to let the person know right away so they can remedy the situation, the other is to not say anything until it has been going on for a week and then become very angry over the entire week. I can't read minds people. Bloody tampons are apparently my fault. I haven't had a period in six months!!!!! When one agrees to clean up animal feces and be paid for it, it then becomes ones responsibility. If one doesn't want the job DON"T TAKE THE FUCKING MONEY AND DO A HALF ASSED JOB. It makes me wonder how any of these things would affect the upper story of my house considering I live in a basement. It seems that if it was ones job and only function to keep this area presentable, if nothing else was done, this would be. Obviously not.
Why does everyone want a free ride? There are people at my house every day who do nothing. Nothing, ever. They don't have jobs, they don't go to school, or if they do they drop all their classes at the end of the quarter or manage to get D's. None of these people have children, shit, most of them live with their parents. I don't have the money to support myself let alone provide people, who make no effort to take care of themselves, with things like food, booze, toilet paper and hair products. Why is it that people think that everything should just be handed to them, when the bottom line is that half the time they're not even pleasant to be around. I'm sorry, I had to pay for my car, I haven't lived at home in over six years, I have to buy MY OWN FOOD, BEER, SMOKES AND TOILET PAPER.
Courtney's advice of the day...