Journal Changes

Apr 15, 2009 07:13

I made some changes to the way I have my journal set up and made some filters for my characters. If you want to be able to see posts for Joker and currently cannot, let me know and I'll add you to the group. If you can see the posts and don't want to, also let me know. :)

Gwyn's posts are still over on
porcelain_wrath and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Joker, Liliane, and other randomness will be over here. Oh! If you want to be able to see posts for my new Requiem PC, Liliane (Ventrue/LS), let me know as I'm building a group for her now.

Currently packing, doing laundry, and cleaning the house. We're headed off to SCaRE Thursday morning. Part of me wants to go, the other wants to stay home and go to Orlando FGotM. I need to learn co-location!


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