Sarah Palin

Sep 05, 2008 10:56

I have never given money to a campaign before. There are plenty of non-profits who could better use my money. I have just made my first contribution to the Obama campaign.

I am angry about the selection of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate. I think it's a joke the way she's positioned herself. And I am seriously offended that McCain thinks we women are stupid enough to flock to him just because he picks someone with a vagina. Does anybody seriously think that a man with her credentials would have even made it to the short list????? This is not why I work hard, and women I know work hard every day to prove ourselves equal to men. It's condescending and makes my heart burn.

She does not represent change. She will be a continuation of the Bush regime. Her short political career shows the same typical Washingtonian pandering to the lowbrow and switching of positions to get votes. She has shown serious ethical transgressions in abuse of power at the local level... There are questions about the way she ran her mayorial and gubernatorial administration. About the maternity of her last child. Bush has made the presidency of the United States of America a serious joke to the world in his eight years in the White House. And we want to further drag it down?

Someone told me "well, it's admirable that at least she stood by her morals and kept the baby even if it has Down Syndrom". And "even if the baby is her daughter's, that's a private matter, not for us to discuss". First of all, she had the choice. The same choice she would deny to American women. This woman has the right to her beliefs, but she wants to shove it down the rest of our throats. She is of the same ilk that preaches abstinence only. She would deny information to our young people, deny easy access to health care. Well guess what? It doesn't work. Just ask Bristol. Lucky for her Bristol has the support of her family. But what about the young girls across the country who don't have that kind of emotional and/or financial support? Talking about Sarah Palin's private choices or about Bristol is not an invasion of privacy because Sarah Palin is asking to be put into a position where she will have a say in all of our private matters. She is a continuation of the hypocrisy that is the right-wing family values.

The more I find out, the more this woman makes me shudder. She has no foreign policy experience, left her town of 9000 $20 million dollars in debt (Wasilla was in the black when she entered office), tried to practice censorship on the town library, is under investigation for using her position to try to bully people for personal reasons. In fact, she represents the exact gift for gab that the Republicans have been trying to attack Obama for. She has so little experience that they pad in her PTA work. She is running as the VP mate of a 71 year old man with a history of four malignant melanomas. Do we really want the chance of her in the Oval office???


I find it disturbing that when issues and questions are raised to Palin, she fights back not by talking about her policies or explaining herself. Rather, she hides behind "you are attacking me because I am a woman" whine. That's not how Hillary operated. That's not how I want the potential first woman vice president of the USA to represent herself. It's just not admirable. Ugh! I can't wait for the Biden/Palin debates.

further reading:
Attacks, praise stretch truth at GOP convention
Palin: Anti Choice, Anti Birth Control
Abstinence-Only Sex Ed a bust? Just say maybe
McCain Discloses New Case Of Malignant Melanoma

On the Campaign Trail, Few Mentions of McCain’s Bout With Melanoma


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